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Lestarya Molloy


Lestarya Molloy



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Lestarya Molloy - Fridie Outdoors - October 30
VIEW RECORDING - 37 mins (No highlights)

@0:01 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

 Hello everyone and welcome to the Shades of Entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Gabriel Flores.

Lestarya How are we doing?

@0:44 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

I'm doing well. Thanks for having me on. I've definitely listened to a few of your episodes.

@0:50 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

such an honor to be here. So I'm so first and foremost, we met at pie, the Portland and Incubator experience.

That was the first time we met. But you what you're doing. is actually very innovative because you're really trying to encourage people that think and truly I've actually used the app and it kind of helped me from the camping perspective.

So before I spill too many of the beans, what is it? What is it?

@1:14 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

What is your doing? Yes. So I'm the founder of Friday Outdoors. We're empowering people to get out camping and really just be able to feel that joy, confidence and freedom early on.

@1:25 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So we focus a lot on how do we make the know-how accessible from anywhere. Now why this app? What is it we were trying to accomplish?

@1:37 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah. I mean the biggest thing is diversifying outdoors. There's so much beauty in being out there but yet there's very much a lack of representation in the outdoor industry but then also outdoor participation.

So our biggest why is really helping more of us to kind of take up space and really get the benefits that.

I can't benefit all of us. In terms of building it after education into a mobile app, there's a lot of classes and camp outs that you can go to to get training.

But then once those trainings are done, what we found is folks are like, OK, I bring that instructor with me camping all the time?

Or how do I really build these skills? I feel confident going on my own. And by going on my own, it also means going with other folks as well.

But how do we go from that in-person learning to something that can be a bit more self-paced and much more flexible to people in the moment that they need to have those skills the most?

And that's when they're planning for the trip from home. And that's when they're actually out camping where there's very little, if any, phone service.

@2:54 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Right. so folks, we're talking about is the Friday outdoors app. Now, the guy pronounced

@3:00 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

That correctly. You sure did.

@3:01 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Perfect. So now this what this app really does it does kind of give you like, you know, packing lists, camping skills, camping meals, you know, things that think about, in fact, I'll give you a great example.

One of the first times on my wife and I went camping without a great idea to cook steaks over the campfire, which in essence sounds really cool until you do it.

And then you realize like you brought paper plates and you can't cut the steak because you didn't really have steak knives and it's like, wow, okay, this is probably not the smartest idea.

@3:31 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

However, you can do that.

@3:34 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

One thing I would highly recommend is cutting up the steaks beforehand, having it sit in a marinade and then you can cook it so they're kind of in, you know, steak bites.

you know, those, there's these little things that you just don't think about. Now why did, why was it so important for you to start this app?

@3:51 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah, I mean, and I love that example you shared. So just a heads up, we will be addressing that whole cooking over the campfire.

So. Get ready for that. I would say growing up, I had never been camping before. didn't really consider myself outdoorsy and it wasn't really until later on my parents had passed away.

I was moving in with family and then I was introduced to hiking and for me, like hiking was a way to heal and just really get into something that could help me be in my thoughts, right?

And try something new and over the years of hiking, I was like, oh, what's this camping thing, right? Because you don't, it's not something that I even thought about doing, but after seeing, after hiking a lot, I would see these tents because all these trails were at campgrounds and I got curious and for me, I was just like, this is something that is so enjoyable because I tell you, on my first camping trip, I fell in love with it.

And it's just like, I would not have been able to go out there if I didn't have A, some courage, but then also some experience just being out there to start with.

And so I think it's been over time, like, have a gradual thought process of, okay, I love camping. How do I get more people into it?

So my friends will tell you. I've gotten a lot of people into camping and continue to do that. But I was like, how do I do this on a larger scale?

How do we reach people who can definitely benefit from camping and being outdoors? I don't think it should be reliant on having a person to take you.

If you want to go for it, go for it. that is really who we're designing the Friday outdoors app for.

So that's really what it was. was like an over time piece.

@6:00 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Now, what would you say is like some of the most common mistakes that people make, you know, when they're planning to go camping or things that they forget to do?

@6:08 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Oh, yes. Yes. So we talked a lot of people. And quite honestly, one is building a campfire. Actually, the moment of inspiration for Friday outdoors app specifically was in seeing an Asian family.

They were first timers out there. It was getting dark. They were trying to build their campfire and just did not know how to do it.

So we offered them help obviously in that moment. But afterwards, I was like, hmm, what's this? So that kept us a reoccurring theme because there's no way to really practice those skills when you're at home.

Let's see if I'm pit. But then the other, a couple of other two I'd mentioned is being warm while you're camping because it's just a different way of layering your clothes.

then you would for going out, you know, out socializing in a restaurant, right? When you're camping, you really need to be thinking about each of your layers and how to stay warm.

And if you're warm, you're all good, right? And then the other thing I'll mention is sleeping. I think a lot of folks, even if they work up the courage to go camping, how do I get a good night sleep when I'm out there?

And based on having these conversations and these reoccurring themes from our research, but then also from direct observation and personal experience, I was like, okay, we can address these.

So people don't have to have these experiences, right? We want them to have an amazing experience the first time.

So learn from others.

@7:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yes, definitely. will admit, folks, I got to tell you, I would much rather be in like a freezing cold area knowing that I can put on additional layers than somewhere hot because I know I can only get any.

And that's as far as I can go. And it's gonna still be hot no matter how much I take off.

@8:05 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Oh my gosh, I love that.

@8:07 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)


@8:09 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

You know, that is important. That's an important thing. We talk about those conditions as well and what to do to stay cool.

@8:17 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love it. And one of the things you mentioned too earlier was food. Let's talk about like food preparation, what things should people be taking and what should they be preparing for?

@8:25 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah. So anything you cook at home, you can cook it out camping. The main twist, I recommend to folks is just to simplify what, simplify what you're doing.

So if normally it's 10 ingredients, pick the five ingredients that it really takes to use those. And I think some people do like to have ideas.

Camping meals is one of our top subjects that people come looking. So that was a surprise to me that it would be such a favorite, but it really has been.

And so. So we give folks, like if you don't cook at home, for example, like chances are you're not going to cook when you're camping.

So we give folks camping food that either requires no cooking or just like add water, right? And then for folks you like cooking, well, you probably like it out there too.

So then we give people just the things that they'll need like a camp stove and utensils, all that good stuff.

But a lot of things you can just take, bring from your home and within 10-15 minutes have the most delicious meal out when you're camping.

@9:38 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

yeah, I'm definitely the just add water. I'm kind of notorious for burning water, which is quite impossible to do when I'm cooking.

@9:47 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah, you're not alone in that, quite honestly. There's a lot of people who get nervous with even like putting in the propane into the camp stove, right?

And so these are things that... we definitely are covering an interact.

@10:04 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So yeah, for some reason my barbecue cooking skills just don't translate very well into the kitchen. So I can get on the trigger and then be fine.

But in the kitchen, it just all seems a fall apart for me.

@10:16 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Ooh, I think I'm going use some recipes from you then for the lecture.

@10:19 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Oh, man, yes, I got the trigger on. Please, we'll talk more about that for sure. Now, let's talk about you kind of talk about clothing a little bit, but what about all the other things that like personal hygiene when you're out there?

@10:32 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

are the things that people should be taking with them? Yes. for hygiene, if you're new to camping, I definitely recommend going to campgrounds that have showers.

And surprisingly, the best shower pressure hot. Like you can have that dreamy shower when you're camping. So then it's really about bringing exactly what you bring for traveling to like a hotel, but you're bringing it camping.

So that's your toothbrush or toothpick. based your shampoo, but it is helpful to have like biodegradable shampoos if you're have an outdoor shower.

That's the one that I will say. And then also for hygiene, always bring toilet paper. Like it's not the topic, but I will say Oregon State Parks, Washington State Parks are amazing.

But you never know when they're going to run out of toilet paper because that just happens. So always bring that and hand sanitizer.

Those would be the things. for the ladies, always caring, you know, you never know when you get your period, always keeping a tampon, a pad in that toilet toiletry bag is helpful.

@11:46 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, and in some, somewhere, some like a waterproof, you know, type of bag too, because you certainly don't want those items to get wet and sometimes it does get cold that night.

And you know, there's, there's the unique thing about camping that's so fun is there's like layers to it. Right.

Like you can go to like a KOA campground which has a shower and probably like a pool for the kids and maybe an arcade and things of that nature.

Or you can go just completely desolate out in the middle of like, you know, a state park and you're going to do a whole to go the restroom kind of thing.

And you really do have all of those options here in the Pacific Northwest. Yes. All of those are like 30 minutes to an hour away.

@12:23 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

At that is resonant so strongly because it's so common to see camping as something that's about survival skills like you're having to hike up a mountain and carry everything on your back to get to this peak.

camping can be, you know, rolling up to a campground get a spot right on the lake, right. And have amenities like the bathrooms and the showers and a potable water, which is so you can have just drinking water access right there.

You can have that experience. And still, that is very much camping. I do a lot of that, but what it allows is to have this outdoor home that is so magical, right?

And then I can wake up, go hiking on the trails. I can go do all these things. And then sure, there's times where I want maybe a different experience, a little more remote, like a hike and site.

Or I'll go backpacking in the Malawas, right? There's just so many options for folks. So I love that you mentioned that.

And even for folks who aren't ready to get into sleeping in a tent without the four walls, I also even recommend checking out state parks, which have a cabin.

And it's like a one room cabin, but it has electricity or a yurt, right?

@13:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

that just like camp the way you want, find the style that works for you, what blows your cup. Like that's what it's about.

Yeah, I agree. I think that the most important thing is just kind of getting out there and enjoying the outdoors being comfortable with a to your point, you know, put on the propane tank or if you do start a fire known to safety precautions to make sure that fire is actually extinguished before you leave the campground is also very important things.

Now, let's transition a little bit over to the business. I want to talk about business. So, tell me, how did you build an app?

How do you build an app?

@14:26 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah, well, you know, I had come from the tech industry over 10 years experience in tech as a product manager and a user experience researcher.

So, it was very natural for me to say, okay, here's the vision. Here are the use cases that people need and want what we're building.

But then it was like, okay, how do I, what's the next step to actually build this? And there, and so we decided to go again with a mobile app.

wanted to be able to be on both of OS's from the get-go, right? So, iOS and Android. And so we were able to build in-house and over some time to get out there.

And we just started with let's build an MVP, right? all the apps that are commonly on people's phones, they did not start that way, right?

There's always a, you know, the scrappy, scrappy testing, right? To see people who want what you're building, getting feedback early on.

And then there's that the next stage is building out your beta, your MVPs, your pilots, right? that was exactly what we did to start out.

So that way, we weren't saying, hey, we need to go build the build, something with all these features to start.

It's like, no, like let's build for the core, that ideal person who wants to go out camping, and they just need the resources.

So for us, that was our compass. And then let's build it out gradually. So that's what it's been for us.

in fact, we didn't even start with our app. First, we start with a website just to start garnering interest in outdoor education that's accessible to people.

And then by adding the app, we were able to then make it offline, which was really what distinguishes from other options.

@16:18 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Yeah, that's great. And you know, folks, a few things that were mentioned there, MVP and beta. So first, let's do a viable product, right?

And so let's think about like when Nike formerly blew ribbon sports, their MVP was a shoe, right? That was their minimal viable product, right?

And then their beta was like, hey, let's actually use this waffle iron to create a different kind of bottoms and have crefontainer around the track, right?

So then they're testing out the shoe so that when people are talking about MVP, they're just talking about the basic, the basic, just getting the product out there, first and foremost, what is that product, right?

And then now let's put some bells and whistles to it and see what actually works and what doesn't work.

that's truly what a lot of these companies are going through. you know, you mentioned it. A lot of these apps that we see today did not start out, though, in fact, Twitter, or from now X, right, was actually a podcast hosting station before it became the social media site.

the reason it became the social media site is because the podcasters and the folks that were using it were using this communication tool known as Twitter that became very useful and valuable.

And they realized that, hey, this MVP of the podcast hosting was actually not the really what they needed and they pivoted over to Twitter and created the social media site.

now Elon Musk is a billionaire. I'm not sure how it all came about, but it sure did, right?

@17:39 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

And it just came both circles. Absolutely. Yeah, so for us, it was very much let's build, test it, iterate, right?

That way we're always building with feedback from people who are actually using the app early on and really focus on quality.

and where we're at in the design process.

@19:04 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Nice. Now, how did you go about building this brand? you know, so now you're getting folks to hear about it.

How do you build a brand that's an app?

@19:13 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah. Well, I mean, like anything, we could talk about the, here's our app and here are the features, right?

that's not inspiring, right? saying you can navigate or saying, right? This is the size of the app on your phone.

No, like that's not what's going to convince someone to go, know, nap, go camping outside. Like, no. So for us, the biggest thing was we are designing for people who aren't identifying as outgorzy to begin with, or maybe they've done some outdoor activities, but camping is new to them, right?

Or maybe they just had a little bit experience. So for us, that traditional approach of your outdoor brand, Let me go show someone climbing a mountain.

Like that was not going to be our branding. Our branding was going to be, hey, you're looking to get more connected to nature.

You're looking for ways to feel joy and just confidence and freedom and camping can provide that to you. For us, it was building for people of color who've been really underrepresented in the outdoor industry.

So it was starting with what's our company about, right? At the end of the day, we're about to diversify the outdoors.

But then as we built out our brand, it was making sure we are really speaking to someone on a much more personable and relatable level as opposed to feeling like we need to sound like we're this big company, right?

And then the other piece is also having people of color as outdoor educators, having reaching out to organizations that focus on diversity outdoors, and having collaborations early on.

So, and in having those starting out deep, that is really what's going, that's what's been really resonating with folks, right?

Because we're not talking about, sure, I can talk about like all the features, but I'm starting out with the why.

And then I'll tell you about, okay, here's what the app is providing. And yes, we have offline access. And yes, we do have like a subscriber, or subscription, which is the Trailblazer subscription, right?

But I'm not starting out with the speeds and feeds. So I think that that is really what's made a difference.

And every time I get feedback from folks who see what we're doing and why we're doing it, like that's what's, um, continues to be part of how.

we build the brand and also the product.

@22:03 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

What has been challenging about building the brand or product?

@22:09 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Let's see. I would say for me, when I got the idea for Friday outdoors, I was working full-time at a very successful career in the tech industry.

I was also a new mom, and so having a little one, right, it's not like there's a lot of excess time.

I think the hardest part for me was the vision and the impact that we want to make is so big.

see a future where you go out camping and you're not the only person of color out there, we're all comfortable just being outdoors.

It's huge what we're doing. And the heart, but for me personally, it was how do I make sure I take

action on this idea because it's easy to have an idea but to actually take action on it and start building and so what I did early on is really carving out time to focus on building Friday outdoors and so that way You know, I knew that I was gonna be working on it after work after my daughter went to sleep And then fortunately, I have an amazing husband, you know, there was time on the weekend where I have quality time with the family but then I always carved out time to go work on Friday outdoors and it's a very different approach to growing a business that when you're balancing having a full-time job and needing to build it so then I could at least build it enough to test to see if it had legs or not like could this be a bigger company and then once I got that early traction Then I was able to say let me go full-time on this and have my

much more time to really do exactly what I think. But for me, it's been, I would say, a steady gradual progression as opposed to great.

got the idea. can go, you know, full time on this immediately. was much more.

@24:13 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

have the idea. Let me build out gradually. Yeah, you know, that's a great point. You know, you mentioned you kind of went, you eventually went full time.

In fact, one of the things you, I believe you did was the REI co op and bark accelerator, if I recall correctly.

@24:27 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors


@24:28 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So one, what was that moment where you said, okay, I can do this full time. then two, I'd love to kind of hear your experience in that accelerated program.

@24:39 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Yeah. So early on, it was about a month after I got the idea. I saw REI was having there.

It was literally the first time they were launching their accelerator program. It was for founders of color with early stage ideas.

And so I mean, I couldn't think of a better fit. And so. That was really helpful to also build out some kind of organization to building up gradually, right?

I would also, going back to what you're saying, when I decided to go full-time, it was after we had our pilot summer, right?

It was after we had built up some momentum on search and social, and it was at a point where we're getting organic feedback.

people are just on their own merit, reaching out and saying, I am using your app. We've had people go to REI and they say, oh, I heard about your app.

They went and used it, and they went on their first camping trip, right? to me, getting feedback like that, I was like, okay, I know.

what I can do with this amount of time. If I can do this full time, then I can definitely, you know, invest more in these areas of our product so that we can expand our curriculum as well as our features.

so that was the point that I said with these moments that I said, all right, this is the time while I had a successful career, I felt that my, I knew that my purpose and my why had changed, had shifted to really getting people outdoors who wouldn't otherwise, and I made the decision there.

@26:38 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

You know, it's interesting because I think sometimes the risk factor for a lot of folks, right, is sometimes too grand of a cliff to jump off of sometimes.

Now with that said, what advice would you give other entrepreneurs?

@26:58 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Oh yeah, you know, Since I'm earlier on in my journey, I will, I think my advice would be chances are folks are have an idea and it's really easy.

I think the easiest part of entrepreneurship is having the idea, but then that taking the next steps and there's so many steps you can take before saying, I got to go all in, right?

And there's things that can help reduce the risk factor to jumping in, right? And so I really encourage entrepreneurs who are early on in their journey to say, hey, I've got this idea, how do I test it out, right?

And it doesn't take a lot of money to test it. It's really free to go test your idea, right?

You can go, you can do interviews with folks. You can do surveys. can reach out to Facebook groups who are in a similar interest and just ask for feedback.

Zoom in, they permit that, right? Uh-huh. in those groups, you can go to events that are related to that area.

There's a lot of things you can do that are kind of more grassroots. And I think that that helps get feedback to see, all right, is this a good idea?

And by good, I mean, do people want it? people need it? And are they willing to buy it, right?

Because at the end of the day, as a business, you do need to make money. And that's really what I think can, if you can get that validation early on, then can, and it's just going to be that much more affirming that you're onto something.

And then you can move through the next stages, but I think you can read about in books and write business school teaches you.

But it's that early on having the idea, testing it out. And once you know you're ready to act on it, then laying out that blueprint and that roadmap for you is absolutely essential.

And just remembering that there's a lot of companies out there. like that we all use. They did not do it overnight though.

I love hearing companies journeys early on and all the things that they did that weren't scalable but early on so they could figure out what was gonna be that differentiator.

And then once they figured that out, then it's like, okay, let me go and do more of that. But like you gave those examples earlier, chances are the idea from the get go isn't going to be how it actually then manifests later on.

There's gonna be some iterations and so just being open to that in that process, I think is really helpful to folks.

And once you get that, then go for it. Make the jump, right? Because if you're, if thing is if you're, how do I say this?

If you can get that validation, then I think you'll just know when that moment. And that decision needs to come up.

And I think it will be different for each person, right? I'm not like a trust fund baby or like got millions or something in the bank account, right?

for me, it was also a saving along the way. I didn't know what it was for, but saving a little.

So I would also have something to invest myself. Because if I'm asking others to also, I've done a lot of pitch competitions.

But it's like I've given just as much as I've been able to receive and grants and whatnot. So I think testing it out and then putting, what I say, put your money where your mouth is.

And that can be in time. It can be a money. can be an effort. But I think you'll thank yourself.

@30:48 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

What is the one thing you know now that you wish you would have known when you started your entrepreneurial journey?

@30:54 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

Or when you started this company in particular? Let's see, I would say it's a little bit more in the logistics of things.

There's a lot coming from a corporate environment. I had the benefit of having operations in place already. I wasn't setting up how to set up the website or how to set up a company.

Like, are you an LLC? Are you an S-corp or C-corp? Oh, like, bookkeeping. There's all these foundations of a business that are so helpful to put in place early on.

And so I think in hindsight, I would have made sure I would... I wish I had learned more about resources available so I could get those in place.

place because like okay we're a year later let me get those in place now but honestly uh you know it's just a total learning especially as a first-time founder so I'm totally fine that I'm learning it as I go but I definitely uh think I would have started uh just building up some practices even early on because that just eat gets easier to build out these habits right yeah certainly and then what's the goal what's the you know five ten year goal for uh for the for the app?

whoo well I tell you uh we are so focused on getting more folks out there people color camping um and like I'm talking I want everyone just feeling like they can go out because if you know you can be out and feel that joy confidence and freedom that I talked about earlier if you can feel it outdoors like you can feel it anywhere and so I do

do know for my own experience as I built up that relationship with the outdoors. It really has like spillover benefits and how I show up to, showed up to my work.

It's how I show up with more energy for family time. It's just has only benefits to every aspect of my life.

And so for me, it's about helping more people find that. And from a business aspect, we definitely can be the ones who help people who didn't see themselves going out there to actually be like, oh, maybe camping is for me.

maybe I am like this outdoorsy person, right? So that's what we're building towards. And I have so much respect for other outdoor companies who have started in their 10 years into their business and seeing how they've reached millions of folks, right?

And I definitely. Yeah, I think those are the ways.

@35:02 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I love it. Folks, again, that's Friday outdoors. That's F-R-I-D-I-E. That's to be confused with Friday of the day of the week.

Then, you can also find this information on the shades of entrepreneurship newsletter. Nice little quick shameless plug to subscribe to the newsletter.

You'll find a lot of information, a lot of local community stuff, as well as weekly newsletters. Wow, this has been really great because, again, I like camping, as I mentioned.

In fact, I think when I remember when Princess Diana passed away, because I was camping at a K-awake campground.

And that's how I saw it on a TV. And I will remember that day forever. remember exactly where I was.

was, unfortunately, one of the days, you kind of don't want to remember.

@35:45 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

But yeah, I was camping.

@35:46 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

I remember I was camping.

@35:47 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

That's for sure. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for sharing that. And I'll be sure to let you know when we have our curriculum out about cooking over a campfire.

@35:56 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

Oh, yes.

@35:57 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

We have created some mean states. So yeah, let me play in later.

@36:02 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

If a book comes out, let me know. I'll be happy to put it on the newsletter and tell people about it here on the podcast.

Again, folks, LaStaya, Malloy, the CEO and founder of Friday Outdoors. Again, this is a camping app.

@36:16 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

I would highly recommend it. is available on Apple and Android, correct? it's on both Apple and Android.

@36:24 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

So please go download it, please charge for it, really just utilize it as much as possible. Is there any last words you'd like to say before we leave?

@36:31 - Lestarya - Fridie Outdoors

No, I would say thanks for making these episodes available. I also learned from hearing other founder stories. And let's keep it going.

@36:42 - Gabriel Flores (The Shades of Entrepreneurship)

We got lot coming out for next year. So just wait. It's going to be really good. I love it.

I love it. LaStaya, thank you so much for your time. Those folks are listening. Thank you. And have a great day.

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