Daniel Felt
Gabriel Flores 0:00
Hello everyone and welcome to the shades of entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Gabriel Flores. Today I am here with Daniel felt the owner of Cora. Cora hair. Cora home Nancy, I said I was going to do any edits. Now we have to do the first edit. Daniel, how are we doing?
Daniel Felt 0:17
I'm doing great. How are you today?
Gabriel Flores 0:19
I'm stoked because we're going to talk about something I think a lot of people are going to need to be hearing especially as we get into the wintertime. And we're talking about homes and how to manage and take care of our homes at first, let's introduce the world to Daniel felt. Give them a little background who is Daniel?
Daniel Felt 0:35
Yeah. For me, I grew up on a small farm in central Minnesota. Today I live I don't know if it's quite a suburb but on the west side of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I live there with my my wife, my son, we got one more on the way we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. And we got a bunch of chickens, couple horses, couple dogs, but I drive into the Metro each day to run. Kira home grew up in a large family. But today, Ron rank your home and we love love growing that and growing a family. It's full time full time job.
Gabriel Flores 1:04
I love it. So now are you going to wait for the kid to be born to determine or kind of figure out the sex?
Daniel Felt 1:10
Yeah, we waited the first one. And it was really fun in a day and age where so many things are predictable and things like that. It's very fun to be able to yell at the boy or the girl at the hospital. So we really enjoyed that. For the first one.
Gabriel Flores 1:21
You know, it's kind of funny, my wife and I did the same thing. We waited for the first one and we're waiting for the second one. We're doing February. We're talking about this earlier. We're gonna wait that's like the that's the last cool surprise you get right like Oh, man. Here it is. Now. Now talk about karo Holmes, what is it? What do you guys do? Yeah, we offer
Daniel Felt 1:38
primarily two services. The first one is not very sexy, it's air duct cleaning. That's about 50% of our business. Most people know what that is, I think we're the best at it. But you know, we offer the other 50% of our business, which I think is a lot more fun and exciting and was the primary vision for the company is a home maintenance subscription. So we visit your home once every quarter, we have a few clients that have higher needs for their home. And we visit monthly and a lot of people are also biannual, but the majority are quarterly visits. And we offer 32 different maintenance services that every perfect homeowner should be doing. But we all know that life and family and work get in the way. And so everything from cleaning your dryer vent AC unit refrigerator coils, we even changed smoke alarm batteries, and we'll change the direction on your fan in the spring in the fall. All these little things that we all know should be done, but just having to neglect Hold on.
Gabriel Flores 2:29
You change the directions of fans what? Why I've never I own a home I this is all new. Why should I change in the direction of my pain?
Daniel Felt 2:39
Yeah, so depending on where you live and things like that, but you know, here in Minnesota and anywhere where you have warm climates, and in cold climates, we want that cool air and warm air to be pushed around in the right direction. So at certain times, we want to be pulling cooler air up. So basically, you're just trying to make it's like your home is as comfortable as possible and efficient as possible. And we're always looking at like the really small numbers that turn into big things like cleaning refrigerator coils, for example, can save up to $11 per month, okay, well not that big of a deal. But over the long term. And they have two refrigerators like one of your garage for you know, the, for your refreshments and another one in the house all these things. And it adds up to while we saved a couple 100 bucks this year by properly maintaining our home. So that's just like one small thing that just helps your home be more efficient. And I think the main thing that does is helps you be more comfortable in that room. But it also does help with the efficiency.
Gabriel Flores 3:27
Interesting. Now, where did this idea come from? How did you start this business?
Daniel Felt 3:32
Yeah, I was working actually, for my brother's company. He owns a window cleaning and holiday light business. And he had bought into a home management company. And so they were they were working for like the 1% of the 1%. I'm talking like Vikings players for you know, NBA NFL players. And a big frustration was we don't have enough people, enough clients, they had like two clients at the time pretty early on. And I said why don't you offer something that every single homeowner needs, but it's not as expensive, you know, they were like, they will do things like we will schedule everything will take care of everything for you. You can basically show up to your summer home or your winter home, whatever, and everything's taken care of. And I said, let's just do these things that every single house needs. And you don't have to be the top 1% to afford it. And that just wasn't in their business model at the time. They said I want to work and so I have a very stubborn person. And I thought it would work. And so I did a lot of research. I additionally was very fortunate that I helped my parents build their dream home when I was 16 and 17 years old. I got to skip school to pour concrete. I had to skip school to put shingles on and everything in between. Right so a lot of lessons were involved there nights and weekends building that house and so I had a good idea but I became a certified home inspector online course to know what was going on in houses. And I decided that if there's ever a time to do it, it was that I was 26 I was single I was house hacking. I was renting out the base my house and I was living in the top half and I also was training and boarding dogs Dogs, my backyard. And so I mean, all that stuff. I had a pretty consistent, I was making about 40 to 45k a year doing that. And so I was like I can I can afford to take this risk. I took a home equity line out against my house that I could use, then that was $30,000. And that was enough for me to take a leap of faith and try it out. So you financed this using the HELOC? Yep, yeah, I had it because I thought like right off the bat, like I'd put a website out or, you know, open up Facebook calm and you you tell a few people and all sudden the phone's gonna ring. And that's not the way it works. You people, there's there's actually about about 10 to 20 people a month, Google routine home maintenance in Minneapolis. And so we are not showing up at all. This is a completely like a relationship business. But you people need to hear about it one way or another. But the air duct cleaning is very different. There's 1000s and 1000s of searches for that. And so that's why we ended up adding air duct cleaning along the way because people are asking for it. And then additionally, we can pull on new clients that are actually out there searching for it.
Gabriel Flores 6:02
Interesting. So I mentioned I don't know, what are some of the most typical things that people overlook. In fact, one of the things you already mentioned was the frigerator. Did you think about that, you know, what are some of those things that we forget?
Daniel Felt 6:17
Some of the main ones refrigerator coils are for sure big one. dryer vents, you just don't ever think about it. So cleaning your dryer vent on an annual basis, we service about 700 homes on a quarterly basis. And almost every single one of them sucks that dryer vent, they know it's important. We find a lot of AC units that have a sweater on them full of Cottonwood and dust and debris so clean that AC and it helps with the efficiency. In Minnesota and a lot of other climates. We have air exchangers some people call them an HRV or an E RV. That is hosts are so efficient, efficient now that there needs to be a box in your utility room is hanging up if you don't I'm talking about. And there's three filters in there. And that needs to be cleaned out as well. Those are probably four of the most neglected things on top of that, things are just being built with a lot more filters now. So people don't realize like the dishwasher. If you buy a new one, one of my favorite things to do is go through like a Home Depot or Lowe's and open up every single dishwasher. And every single one has a filter now. So if you're blind new appliances that most likely have a filter that need to be cleaned. And a lot of people just don't do not realize that and they break down and you know, you had 150 $200 house call from a caulk from a repair person. And it was as simple as that it's not running efficiently because the filters are not clean.
Gabriel Flores 7:27
Interesting. So you know, you mentioned that you kind of when you're 1617, you're working with your parents house, building it helping build out. And then you went and got your license for being a What was it like can recall?
Daniel Felt 7:42
Yeah, I became a certified home inspector. And I don't think that that is required to run this business, especially now because we're actually now selling franchises. And I'm going to teach you everything you need to know. But for me to have confidence to professionally offer a service, because we walk in homes that are like a townhome that are really simplistic when it comes to maintenance. And we have like $12 million states. And so the maintenance needs on those two different properties are completely different. And by becoming a certified home inspector, that really gave me the knowledge to say, here's the differences. And here's what needs to be maintained that way, when I walk into a utility room with Suzy homeowner, and I'm explaining everything they can do, I don't have to be Googling something. You're asking Siri, what's going on in this house? I know what's what's going on. So other you know, besides that, like licenses that you need, are mostly the same license that you would need to run any business, you know, that the LLC and the insurance and that there are some states that do require certain licenses, like H fac license to clean air ducts. But in Minnesota and Denver where we're currently operating, that we don't need those additional licenses.
Gabriel Flores 8:45
So you mentioned that you're now leveraging a franchise model, can you want to explain what their franchise model is for listeners? And then to explain how you decided to kind of go that route?
Daniel Felt 8:56
Yeah, so what a franchise is, is that you are you see a brand that you like, or that you're interested in, in remodel, and you're contacting me as the franchisor and saying, I like what you're doing, I want to run the exact same thing in my location. So I want to run my own business, but I want to run it exactly like yours. And so we create a Franchise Disclosure Document, most people call it an FTD. And that is saying a set of rules that you agree to follow. So like our code of ethics and things like that, how we serve as home. So we're giving you an answer sheet with about a 600 page manual on limited training and work and we're saying hey, here's what worked for us really well here. And now you can run it in your location. So you own the business. But you do pay a royalty, the most common royalty is about 7%. And that's what we charge as well. So you buy in for service industry. Most of the time, it's right around 45 to 65,000. We're at that $45,000 mark to buy in and that's giving you basically the secret sauce to run a business. So there's a lot of if you're not familiar with franchises, a lot of you probably frequently support A ton of franchises in your area from McDonald's to Subway to the gym you go to a lot of franchises out there it's a very common model for to grow and scale a business. Your second question why we decided to go that way that route we were running locations in a few different areas and what we have found is that when people are not 100% bought in to your idea on it's really easy on a Friday afternoon to go to the beach rather than continue pushing through the day. And so we tried a lot of different things talk to you know, I have a business coach tried a lot of different unique things but a lot while we were having those challenges of motivating encouraging people in different territories to build a business we are also having people from territories that we probably wouldn't start a corporate owned location contacting us to buy a franchise and we weren't we weren't there yet. So between the demand for it and then our pain points we decided to switch our growth model to continuing to org lag organically grow in Denver Minneapolis and then allow that was to grow in other territories across the country.
Gabriel Flores 11:03
So you so how did you then kind of go to the marketing piece of talk about marketing because you're you went from you know, individual owner to now franchising How do one you franchises your company and then two, how do you or I'm sorry, one how do you market your company and then two, how do you market to franchise it? Like how do you how do you engage other owners to say hey, this this is a franchise models available?
Daniel Felt 11:26
Yeah, we're doing a lot of things to market one is we're getting out there telling our story. Exactly what I'm doing right now Yep, with with you. We are you hire brokers, a lot of times they're commission only and so it's you can hire a lot of brokers, we're spending a little bit of money to be in, you're kind of buying into the good old boys club, right. So you're part of the club and now you're you know, you're part of the franchise serve in order to sell, you know, franchises with them. Additionally, there's a lot of websites that are like kind of similar to if you want to buy like a bike, for example, you go to Craigslist, there's a lot of websites that if you want to buy a franchise, now you're listed on there, and you can go that route. So we're we're going through a lot of, we're trying to do it organically as possible. And very, we're trying to be really frugal and beating to make sure that this thing 100% works. That being said, the very first newsletter we sent out in November of 2021. A lady who's one of our customers sent it to her brother in law in Florida, and he's super interested in should be signing the FTD very shortly to sell our franchise, but it's a very long sales process. Because a lot of these people, they're not like coming out of high school saying like, Oh, I'm gonna buy a franchise there. They're usually in their late 20s. They've they worked a few places, and they've decided they want to be their own boss and a proven model, or they're in their 40s and 50s. And there's, they're realizing that they want to build an asset so that they're set up for retirement. And so what's something that I can build and scale and then sell when you're buying a franchise, you're you own a company, and you're just running it as that franchise, so it is a sellable asset. So that's what we're we're working on to get franchises sold. It's, I think it's working. But a lot of people tell it tell me that your close rate for selling a franchise is 1%. So you need 100 leads coming 100 qualified leads coming in to sell one. And that's very different than air duct cleaning, which is like a 43%, close rate for us, or routine maintenance is like 90% close rate. So we're we're our patients is being tested, and we're but we're riding that wave, and we're learning a lot
Gabriel Flores 13:21
Nice. In fact, you know, we'll we'll talk offline, got an idea about that model and a subscription kind of process with it. We'll we'll chat offline a little bit. I think I think I think you're onto something here. Because I think a lot of the millennials right now. I mean, we're buying houses now. And we're also like things that are really easy in at their fingertips. And so having the knowledge of what we needed to do right then in there and having, like, ready to go. We'll talk a little bit about that. So now you're talking about like, now, how do you you know, you've So you started your brand, you starting to build it? What has been some of the hardest things, either about starting the business or starting the franchise? What are some of the hardest things that you've had to run into?
Daniel Felt 14:02
Yeah, I think it's getting cash flow going quickly is very difficult. You start your business and I it seems like a lot of businesses are not profitable for 18 to 24 months that that seems to be the norm now that I'm you know, really networked with, with a ton of business owners, you get down, you get into the down and dirty, they're like, oh, yeah, I didn't make money for three years. And then But then people always think, well, I'm different. I'm going to do a better than than Joe. And you're, you're not different. It's going to take some time. So it was really challenging, just making sure that cash flow is going there. And I've always been very interested in a very fast growth model. We started in 2016. And we're now servicing 700 routine maintenance clients. We barely had any in the beginning. So you got to you got to kind of catch up and growth does suck cash out of a business. And there's I don't know there's no way around that. I also wanted to maintain 100% ownership. I didn't want to sell off portions to private equity or things like that. And so it does suck a lot of cash. So as a business owner, if you're looking into starting your own company, I think it's, it's great to do that, but know that you got to save up a little bit of money so that you can live off of because it seems really great you think a lot of cash is gonna flow in, but it really goes back into the business quite quickly.
Gabriel Flores 15:14
Yeah, let's let's explain what are some of those like hidden costs, those hidden expenses that individuals might not notice a small business owner coming into it as being, you know, wanting to become an entrepreneur own their own business? What are some of those hidden costs that kind of caught you off guard?
Daniel Felt 15:28
Yeah, I was surprised at the amount that like it cost to employ someone, you know, for example, the you have to pay a payroll company, because you're probably in a screwed up and then get like audited. And that takes a lot of time out of you. workman's comp, you know, we pay 3.9% of every dollar that we pay someone, we're paying 3.9 cents on that, in order to make sure that you're taking care of in case you're injured, just the employee taxes on top of that social security, things like that, that you're like, Well, it's, it can't be that bad. And it adds up, it's 11 12%. And when your payroll gets to the point where it's, you know, 1015 $20,000 a week, these percentage points can really suck out on the bottom line. Additionally, I think the takes on different models or different services, it's I'm always surprised at how long it takes to get get it profitable. For example, you get a new routine maintenance client, and you service them one time and what you think is that sweet, I just made $350, but you didn't, because you got to go and do an estimate, and then came back and then you sent out technicians to do it. And you actually didn't even make money, the first visit, you've lost money, you get to lose money to get that customer, the second visit, you're breaking even. And the third one, you're actually finally making money six months after you got that client. And I think that's why we are one of the very few routine maintenance clients in the entire country, routine maintenance companies in the entire country that have scaled to the size that we are because we also had air duct cleaning, if I clean your air ducts today, you pay today, we're done. And we made a profit margin on that job. Okay. So I think the biggest thing for people is that, you know, it's, it's very hard to grow and scale company, you have to trust people. And there's all these little things like, also you have to pay $60 for QuickBooks, and this and that. And there's all these little things that you might think like, well, if I go on to a job, and I charge $50 an hour, I'm making 45 of that, because I just had to pay for my gas. And that's not the case, you're maybe going to make like 15 or $20, for that after expenses. So making sure that you're charging enough to support growth. And sometimes you have to refund a customer, if you make a mistake, we try to be perfect, but we're not. And there's little things you have to do, you got to have some extra cash on hand and, and build the margins in from the very beginning.
Gabriel Flores 17:38
You know, you highlighted a few hidden costs that I don't think really individuals understand one time, your own personal time, right? What so you're an individual and you're driving out to a location, that's, you know, count those hours is hourly time, because those you should be paying yourself for your work, right. So those you think about that your gas, right, your traveling expenses, but then also your insurance, your car maintenance, you know, this is a little things that we forget to think about that really kind of all goes in. And I'm kind of reaching back to my real estate days, and think about all those times I was going and showing houses to prospective buyers, and you go you will show one of your buyers, you know, 10 to 12 houses before they put an offer out one, there's no guarantee they're gonna get that one. So you might have to go back and show another 10 to 15 for another offer. That's a lot of driving. And then when you kind of put that into consideration, took the gas and consideration like oh, wait, after this commission, I'm I'm getting close to breaking even. Now, what would you say has been easy about this process? Ah, boy, that's Yeah. Has there been anything easy?
Daniel Felt 18:40
Yeah, you know, I think what's been what's easier than then I anticipated was I thought that like managing employees was really, really difficult. But if you if you do enough to equip them to be successful, I believe that a lot of people do buy in to the the ethics and the morals and the principles of what your company is doing. And if they believe in you, they will really go way above and beyond, you don't have to ask people like, Hey, can you say an extra half hour to get this done? Like they just they do it because they believe in what you're doing. And so sharing your goals and your missions with the people around you, you really become a team. And I'm always impressed at the sacrifices that the people on our team are willing to make without even being asked to really go above and beyond. So we've we really focus a lot on training people and we have a 600 page manual that tells you everything about how to run this company. And when you use those things, and you you give people a lot of information. In the beginning, you want to hold it close to you think you're the only one that can do it as an entrepreneur, but you've got to give that information out and that information equips your team to be successful, and it gets easier and easier and easier for your company to run without you and that's ultimately should be the goal I believe of every entrepreneur is get your company running without you. It creates a higher value. If you ever decide to sell one day and you met you might be lucky and have a head of hair by the time you're done. I've always been really thankful for that,
Gabriel Flores 20:03
you know, I think what you just defined is the difference between an owner and a leader. Right? You're you're building individuals to succeed, even if they go somewhere else, right? Because if you build them up, and I think that's what you kind of alluded to with the franchise model, you know, having these owners fill the franchise owners feel that ownership of their small business, and they can really been engaged with their employees. So that's really unique. Now, you, you're talking about motivating your staff, right? You're talking about your 600 page. What motivates you?
Daniel Felt 20:33
Yeah, you know, for me, I think business is it's all a game. And growing up, I love monopoly. Like, I love that freakin game. And I love I love everything about it. And I still love it. Most people won't play with me because I just So and there's like hidden rules. If you don't know this, there's a rule monopoly that if you can't get enough houses, on your property, you can't get a hotel. And up, people have learned that and people that I've played with, to keep me from getting hotels, they, they only keep houses on their properties, and they don't upgrade to a hotel. And then there's not enough houses. And it's very frustrating, and you can't, and the game goes on for hours and hours and hours. So there's hidden rules in that game that people play. But I think what really motivates me, there's a lot of things I love following like an EOS process where you're working on, you know, every 90 days, you're sitting down off site, setting your goals, and what are those five, three and one year goals? But I like to think of it like as a Christmas card. And we don't send out like a fancy Christmas card and write all this stuff. But I think of it as if I did. What are you writing down this year that people are gonna be like, Wow, did you see what the felt family did like, they did this. And maybe for you, you lost five pounds, I don't know. But you got to have something written down on there. That's really impressive. Because all sudden one year turns into five turns into 10. Your kids are graduated, and you're a nursing home. And life just flies by. So making sure that you're you're setting goals and don't just set a goal on January 1 and forget it by the fifth like everyone else, like keep on focusing that, hey, when we write the Christmas card at the end of the year, what are we going to say, and when you see Great Aunt Susie, and she asked how how's everything going for you guys, you can say, Great, I'm working on this, this and this. And it can be big or small. But for me, I really want to have something impressive that when I sit down at the end of the year, and I'm having Christmas dinner with my family, and we're talking about we're thankful for I can say I'm I'm thankful for this, this and this. So I think it's all a game, I don't really care about how much money I make I we have enough food on our table. We live in a really comfortable home and everything's happy. My wife and I are not motivated by how much we make. But we are very motivated by how much we can give. And I think using your God given talents to build something while you're on a short time on Earth is really important. And you're never going to stay back. So don't take that nap, go get a cup of coffee, and you gotta keep pushing, because today is it's the only time time is you're not going to get it back. So you've got to keep grinding, you got to keep pushing, and you've got to move forward. Yeah,
Gabriel Flores 23:02
you know, that's very true. And one of the things I always talk about, you know, money for me, my parents kind of, you know, they're one one of four. So we didn't have a lot of money growing up. But one of the things I've always talked about was, I want to have enough money to say no, but not an I don't want to have money that have to say no, you know, so I want to be able to, if my kid wants something, I want to be able to say no, because you know what you have to work for first? And I don't have to say no, because I just don't have the funds for it. Now one of the things you mentioned II O 's process, can you elaborate what is? What is the acronym? And can you elaborate on your process?
Daniel Felt 23:36
Yeah, EOS. It's, what is it something operating system? I forget what it is. There's a book called traction that talks about all EOS and I'm, I'm spacing what it is at the moment. But what that principle is, is that essentially through studies that the average human works really, really well in 90 day cycles. That's the right amount of time to sit down and say we're going to accomplish this. And so what we do, we have a business coach who is also an implementer for us, essentially. And every 90 days at the end of each quarter, we sit down and we look at where do we want your home to be in five, three in one year? And what does that look like for us and maybe it's growing 1% Maybe it's work quadrupling. But whatever it is we set those goals down to this is what we're working towards. And then we say in the next 90 days, what do we have to do to achieve those goals and then we break it down even to weekly. And so once a week we're sitting down and we're chipping away at here's what we need to be doing this week. So that in five years we've done everything that we need to do and we have we do have a coach that implements that for us but the book traction really does an awesome job of laying that out for for you to understand what that is and it really helps it's been a game changer for us because it's so easy to all sudden you know back to the Christmas card list all sudden the years gone by and like shoot, we didn't get that done that we said we were gonna do last January. I mean, it's like, well, of course not. That was 12 months away, you know that you're definitely not going to so the 90 day thing is just enough. And I even find in my own personal even though I feel I'm very motivated at the when you're on day, like at 85, you're kind of like I need to recharge, and then you go off site, you have lunch with your team and stuff. And you're like, Alright, guys, here's what, here's what, what, here's what went well. And here's what we're gonna do next time. And it gets everyone fired up again, he kind of recharge and reset for the 90 days.
Gabriel Flores 25:27
Nice. And so just for the folks at home. EOS stands for Entrepreneurial Operating System, which I will highlight, I think I'm going to talk about that before this episode, because I think that's a great In fact, I actually wrote down the book traction, that's something I'll probably grab and read. Now, what keeps you as a business owner? What keeps you up at night? You know,
Daniel Felt 25:47
there has been a few things. I think, making sure that your team when you know someone has their absolute best to give and they and they don't give it that's been a very frustrating thing. How do you how do you motivate how to get the best out of people when you know, they can do it, right? Other than that, man, you get screwed over by vendors, you get right, you have written things down and it's like you give people budget, like, hey, let's spend $10,000 on marketing next month, and you get the bill and it's $15,000. Like, hey, what, what Where did things go wrong here? Like, here's the written email of here's our budget for the month like, oh, yeah, sorry, like that this went wrong, but you still didn't pay the bill. And like just frustrating things like that, that really, you know, those having trusted relationships around, you're working with people that you know, like, and trust is just so important. I don't think people hire to your home because, you know, yeah, sure, they need routine maintenance, or they need air duct cleaning. But I believe people hire us because they see us online, they see everything we're doing. And I do believe that they know, like and trust us as they're working with us. And I think that's extremely important. So yeah, there's little things that frustrate you. But I'm so fortunate because my wife does an awesome job of taking care of our house. And so I come home, and I never miss dinner with my family. That's my rule. I don't, I'm not going to I'm not going to miss that. Because that's just extremely important to me. And I come home to happy laughing child and my wife is happy most of the time. And that's really what got that that really helps me fall asleep most nights. I love it.
Gabriel Flores 27:13
And you know, for the folks listening at home, it's a great kind of goal to have. Don't miss dinner with the family. I try to sit down with a family every night. I love it. My wife is an awesome Cook. I'm a great barbecue er, and I'm also a great year I'm really good at eating things. Now, for the listeners at home, what advice do you have for them either as a homeowner or of aspiring entrepreneur?
Daniel Felt 27:34
Yeah, I'd say homeowners like set up a schedule. If you're actually like really interested, especially we're not in our service area. If you contact me on LinkedIn or, or contact your company you on we have a really nice checklist. It looks like a report card for your home on how to maintain things, we will give that to you. Like we want people to be able to maintain their homes. For entrepreneurs, I highly recommend that I'll say that you're you're not as crazy as you think you are. There's other people out there that are also entrepreneurs and spend time with them. Get into a mastermind group or a networking group. Spend time with others that you want to be like because you you over time, become like the people that you're spending time with and and be held accountable, hold others accountable. Help, be mentored. Be a mentor, you know, and and, and just keep on going. Have people hold you accountable. And make sure that your Christmas card this year is impressive. There's still time. It's not too late. Go out there and achieve your goals.
Gabriel Flores 28:28
I like it man. You're getting me amped up. I'm gonna go write a Christmas card. Now I'm like gonna start a sentence 90 day 30 day 90 Day goals. Now, for the listeners at home. How do they find your business still on the website? Tell them the LinkedIn page. How can they find you?
Daniel Felt 28:41
Yeah, your home.com is k u r A H O me. We're all over social media. We try to give a ton of helpful tips on there. So follow us on there. I like to think of us as like Dr. Pimple Popper, you'll see like animals coming out of drains and on air ducts. So make sure you follow us on whatever social media you're on. If you want to connect with me personally add me on LinkedIn. Daniel felt it's Fe LT and I love connecting with people all over the country.
Gabriel Flores 29:06
Daniel thank you so much for your time this was very one I'm all amped up I'm telling you that 30 day 90 plan I'm about to start making something up gonna definitely check out the dryer vent now that mind yummy. Probably gonna get some coils for the refrigerator man I got all sorts of things met Daniel, thank you so much. This has been very, very great interview. I hope everything I know you're expecting soon so congratulations. I hope everything goes well. And I hope that chickens are good at the home. I'm hoping my wife doesn't listen this episode. She wants chickens so bad. We're here in the city. Their neighbors do not want to hear a chicken in the morning every day. So Daniel, thank you again so much. I will certainly connect with you on LinkedIn. And for those folks at home please connect with me please visit the shades of e.com You can also follow us on the shades of E on all the social channels. Please subscribe to the newsletter. Thank you and have a great night.