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Angel Munoz


Angel Munoz



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Gabriel Flores  0:00  

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the shades of entrepreneurship. This is your host, Mr. Gabriel Flores. Today I'm here with Angel Munoz, How are we doing?

Angel Munoz  1:13  

Well, first of all, for Hispanic male, I'm here to just call you. I've actually teasing Angel Munoz is perfectly fine. I am doing fantastically well. And I wanted to tell you right off how excited I am for you inviting me to the show and, and and the opportunity to chat with you and your audience. 

Gabriel Flores  1:34  

Thank you for joining. We're gonna be talking today about mass luminosity. But before we get into that, go ahead and introduce yourself who is Angel Munoz.

Angel Munoz  1:44  

I am the co founder and president of a company called mass luminosity. We're about to enter our 12 year 12 year in business. And we own several properties, including GE try beacon beam, and next year we're launching a new property or maybe next year we're hoping next year. That's called singularity. So

Gabriel Flores  2:12  

nice. So mass luminosity for the listeners at home. What is it?

Angel Munoz  2:17  

Well, NASA, NASA is a company that's basically based on a few principles, ultimately is based on the principle that isolation, and loneliness is not a good state for human beings. So that we named we've referred to that as fragmentation. And our role, we see our role as using technologies to help the fragment human communication, bring people together like like right now through one of our platforms. And how

Gabriel Flores  2:49  

was this concept created?

Angel Munoz  2:53  

awkwardly and without a business plan, frankly, it was just it was a response to Gabrielle to the fragmentation and negative discord that I saw in social media, I saw the transformation of social media, from a an instrument of unity to an instrument of division, and how the company's profited from that. So we went a bit against the current and decided that we wanted to do things that were the opposite of that.

Gabriel Flores  3:27  

So we're Angel, we're talking about kind of how the concept was created. How difficult though, is it to create something, you know, you're essentially creating social media, you're turning it in, it's on its head, right? You're creating a whole new way to see it? How difficult has that been?

Angel Munoz  3:42  

Oh, it wasn't difficult in the sense that there were a lot of critics about it, they were just more skeptics about why even try that when the whole world is going in one direction. And that's never stopped me before in my career. So I was just compelled to provide people with an alternative, you know, it seems like the world is based on a binary system, you know, up down black, white, etc. But when I told people Facebook, what is the opposite there were no one could say what the opposite was. So so that's, I really, I wish I could be more thorough about that response. But I don't even listen to, you know, to be an entrepreneur, the first lesson that you can pass on to your audiences, you have to be completely convinced that you're right and the entire world is wrong. And if you can't do that, then you may you may invite the Devils of failure into your, into your into your realm. I was completely convinced that with time and effort, we would succeed. I was a you know, I, I was the first investor in the company, beyond being the founder. So we operated with mint for many years just on On a small investment, and we were able to attract lots of people eventually, in fact, our social media network, which is a niche network, not a wide network that has no advertising and does not tolerate any of the nonsense that occurs elsewhere, is about to hit 6 million people. And we've never advertised. Wow, you know, one time we've never promoted it, we've never done any campaign for it. So that is

Gabriel Flores  5:25  

incredible. In fact, one of the things you kind of talked about you alluded to was financing. You're the first financer, how did you finance this company? Is it a grassroots effort? Or have you been working with venture capitalists?

Angel Munoz  5:35  

Well, there's different stages of a company, you know, where are you at the time, and the, you know, our, our goals were so far reaching, and I knew they were gonna take so long that I, you know, I've enjoyed a certain amount of success in life. So I was able to invest in the company in the beginning, to sort of finance the early stages of the company, when I say early stages, I think it was five years before maybe even six before we actually looked for outside capital. What happened was that my friends that have known me for many years, including Kimberley visa, raga, this, our CTO and some other people wanted to be part of this, of this venture, they wanted to, they believed in what I was trying to do, and still believe in what I'm trying to do, or we're doing, actually. And they all started investing, first small amounts, and then larger amounts, and we were able to raise a little over, I think, close to $2 million from friends. And then that was about five years ago, or a little longer. And then recently, we now we're working on Beacon, which is probably the the product that you would like to talk about, or in our service. And then we, we have our first venture firm that's invested in it. And, and we will be doing an offering sometime in January will be an offering that's open not only to institutional, but individuals also. So it's going to be really interesting. We have a lot of interest for it. I, you know, it's so funny, Gabriel, because life is just a very unique thing. So, you know, it's all cyclical. It's like, you know, as you get older, you start meditating on YouTube. For me, age is more about trying to arrive at some conclusions about life. And in that process, one of them is you have to understand the cycles of life, and you have to align yourself with them, you cannot battle of cycles, you cannot flatten the circle, you cannot, you know, you cannot, you can't, you have to. So right now we're in a really positive cycle. In fact, I will also tell your audience that we dared, and we're kind of bold, and rejecting a buyout offer from one of our divisions Beacon, the platform that we're on right now, for $80 million. So we just thought that was too small,

Gabriel Flores  8:08  

and so on had you know, one of the things you're mentioning is, in fact, this product that we're on right now, beacon, can you explain a little bit more what beacon is and what you're hoping to try to accomplish with this new platform?

Angel Munoz  8:21  

Right, of course, um, I, first of all, if you don't mind, I'll give you a little bit of history of how this came about. So one of the principles of mass luminosity as a company is that we want people are employees and staff members to live where they're most comfortable living. So we do not want them coming to an office at all. We want people to work and live where they want. So we So what's happened is, you know, we're spread out in the US, you know, as you probably know, Robin is our PR person that is out in the Northeast, and Kimberly and I are in Dallas theater Audra Shankar, who is our CTO is? In Portugal, we have programmers in Portugal, we have programmers and East Europe. We have programming, we have people all over the world, we have, you know, people working in Indonesia, and people live where they want to live, you know, that is the way that we did it. But the problem with that was that using any of the existing solutions seem disconnected. And it seemed like you were not in the same room with the person and that you were not connecting. So six years ago, a little over six years, actually, I proposed to TNR to create a you know, him and his team to create a solution for us. That worked well and it made us feel like we were working in the same room. And I wish I would have probably, you know, looking back at it, I probably would have probably put the sights a little lower because what happened is it took us six years of work to get it to this level. And the level is of, you know, high resolution and the aspect ratio and the frames per second. And just a myriad of things that make our experience so different from what people are used to it's, it's quite impacting, for the first time you experience beacon and you go, wow, this is really something at the next level. So so that was the story behind that. And beacon is, is probably everybody's guess, is at its core, although it's a lot more than that. It's a video conferencing service or platform that really is based on trying to emulate as much as possible, the nuances of reality, and how we perceive reality and what and how we can suspend disbelief, if we may, on you are talking to me and you feel like you're really actually talking to me, for that we have to modulate sound, we have to do so many different things saturate certain colors, so that it feels somewhat real.

Gabriel Flores  11:08  

Yeah, and you know, I gotta tell you, folks listening right now, I'm, this is my first time using this platform, I am absolutely loving it. I love the big buttons, it's really easy. So when you're navigating, you have all the big buttons on the left and right, when an individual was speaking, there's this nice little purple tone of color that kind of indicate that individual speaking, they have different video settings. So a standard definition versus high definition for you. I'm telling you, I look great on this video right now. It's telling I was telling on how I was like, Man, I look tan right now this is a great system, it looks so much better. But I'm telling you, it really is a grid system easy. Again, this is coming from somebody who has used WebEx has used teams has used zoom. I mean, I have gone down the virtual carousel of different platforms. Now I'm not trying to sell anybody on any product. But I am saying user friendly. This is very user friendly. This is very easy to use. Don't use it on safari, we actually had this conversation earlier. Just don't use it on so far. But it's really, really nice. Now, how difficult has it because again, you know, I just named off zoom, WebEx teams, right? All these other platforms? How difficult is it to build beacon, right? A platform for video conferencing in such a competitive market?

Angel Munoz  12:17  

Well, I don't, I don't see a lot of competition. And that's really what we emphasize. We actually our marketing campaign, and and our motto is not really, it's interesting, it's when real matters. That's our that's our model. So if you don't mind, looking like a cartoon and having you know, 10 frames per second, and looks, you're back in the 80s and a disco. And the strobe lights are on, you're fine. Stay there. We don't care, you know, you don't care, we don't care. But we made it easy. We made it very easy. Number one is, as you mentioned, it works inside of a browser. So no one has to install anything. So that whole objection of I don't want to install something else. Well, you don't have to install it, you just have to you get a link, as you know, and you click on the link, it opens the browser that you have assigned to be your default browser. And it works. That's just the way that way it goes. As you said, we counter indicate, we basically try to guide people away from Safari, it works in Safari, but there are particular problems that Apple does not address in their in their WebKit protocol. And so it's a little bit, you know, odd there. But, you know, there's so many browsers on the market right now. And the number one browser happens to be chrome from Google. And then the second most famous browser now is edge from Microsoft. And it's a Chromium browser. It's based on Chrome. So you know, they, you know, as I said, when we were offline Google, or so they really have the best browser on the market. It's, you know, it's, it's personal preference. And the second best will be Firefox. Yeah. So, so it's easy. One of the things that I like about it, Gabriel is that you can when you move your mouse over the screen, the buttons, the buttons slide in, when you when you when the mouse basically is still the those columns slide out with all the buttons. So now, you're completely focused on the person, these are the nuances, and the differences that I think will make will make a difference in the end the audience, I, what I find is that when people use it, they have the same reaction as as you just did. It's very typical of going. This is far better looking than anything I've ever seen before.

Gabriel Flores  14:44  

And you also mentioned the simplicity of it. And so it's the listeners at home as I had mentioned, it does in fact work in Safari, I didn't mean to say it does not work in Safari, however, I think to kind of also go into the simplicity of it. I really can just copy and paste this link and put it into the Any browser and it's gonna pop up. It's really it was so simple. Now on had you also talked about marketing? How do you market this product? And who is your target audience?

Angel Munoz  15:10  

Well, we were fortunate enough that we have a big following. So right now, beacon free, the free version of beacon has been in the market a little over a year. And we have nearly 650,000 people using beacon which is not small, I mean, that may be small from a perspective of other companies. But that's a, that's really nice. And the requests that we get are interesting week theater and I get Theodore again at Rush and CO is our CTO, we get lots of requests from people that want to deploy it and businesses and you know, for large companies and all that. So there is an appetite for that. And that's we will focus on that later next year. Because right now, we want to make sure that we have the momentum that comes from, from the general public. And we've always done well in all our businesses before with addressing that market first. But furthermore, we do have, we are going to announce fairly soon, maybe as soon as next week, that we do have some partnerships with celebrities and all that, that have chosen to use beacon and are going to go be vocal about it. And then we're also we're, you know, one of my biggest concerns, and you know, I'm writing. So I'm in my 60s now. So I'm reading the last chapter of my life. And one of the biggest concerns that I have is, you know, what is the legacy you leave behind? And, and how did I? Did I really, that I really try to make the world a better place? And, yes, you know, it could be argued that all the things that I've done in technology have helped people. But I want it to be more direct than that. So you'll hear about our partnerships with charities, and how we will tie in the paid version of Beacon directly with helping people who happen to have not not have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Gabriel Flores  17:10  

In one of the things you just mentioned, too, is, you know, other business ventures before this, what was your first business as an entrepreneur was your first entrepreneur endeavor?

Angel Munoz  17:24  

I've never been asked that before the first one. So I was a stockbroker, that was my first career choice before that I worked in on IBM mainframes. But my first real career choice was to become a stockbroker, that was my first job. And then I decided, I sort of leaned more into the investment banking. And, and my wife, my wife that has now passed, and I launched two businesses together. One was a brokerage brokerage firm. And the other one was the investment banking arm of it. And so, um, so that was one venture. But I think even before that, I was partnered with a group out of they were a company that was in Louisiana, and that reason, excuse me and Missouri, and in Arizona, and I'm sorry, in New Mexico, and, and we formed a company to bring an orphan drug or orphan drug means for your audience that doesn't know that it means a drug that not only has lost his patent, but no one's prescribing it anymore. And in some cases, you can petition the Food and Drug Administration to allow it to become an over the counter, there's a process for that. And they recruited me to do that to go through that process. And then the idea was based on the research of, of two scientists, that it would have an impact in and your recall of things. And this is, by the way, the 80s. And, and you know, now they're called cognitive enhancers. There's a whole category of products. But we have the first one on the marketplace called dimethylaminoethanol. And, and now you can still buy it over the counter DMA. And, and I still take it today. So I started in my 20s. And I still take it and so please don't judge me for how hard it is for me to remember. These are really good. Babies are really good to me.

Gabriel Flores  19:36  

I mean, great things came out of the 80s like myself, now. What would you say you know, throughout your experience has been like the most you know, one of those moments. I'm like, this was the most I'm so glad I lived through this moment because it gave me a lot of experience in that I needed to be successful today.

Angel Munoz  19:54  

Well, that anytime that you have a problem or a challenge, that's the opportunity and it's a lesson right there, but As far as pivotal moment, I have to I had the opportunity what one of my other ventures that I worked with Kimberly, Kimberly B suragrid. And their cmo was in eSports. Esports is the electronic sports is the idea that you can present video game competence as a professional sport. And that was, frankly, my idea. So and I got a phone call from a the office of a person that I did not know. And they said that Len regio wanted to meet with me, and he is famous in the northeast, but no one in the you know, nobody really knows who he is here and definitely in the south. But he is the founder. And he's created the concept for Barnes and Noble. And he's obviously a millionaire many times over. And I went over to meet with him. He just wanted to meet with me and talk about the future. And it's something that he does, he finds entrepreneurs that are interesting, and that are radically different from the norm, and he wants to get to know them. And I spent a whole day with him and his wife, Louise, and when I went to leave, he leaned over to me and he said, remember always that life is a self fulfilling prophecy. And that was pivotal for me, coming from him. And that's how I've lived my life since knowing that the things that I say about things actually determine the path of my life. Wow, then didn't

Gabriel Flores  21:36  

need now eSports I got it, I got to ask about eSports now

Angel Munoz  21:41  

$2 billion industry

Gabriel Flores  21:43  

$2 billion. And, you know, I've had guys either buy

Angel Munoz  21:46  

started by a Latino.

Gabriel Flores  21:50  

So let's let's kind of talk about how that kind of came to fruition.

Angel Munoz  21:53  

Um, so Kimberly and I, we've worked together for many years, we had a website. That was for gamers. At the time, it was the number one website in the world called adrenaline volt, awkward name. Strange, but people would call it a volt. And then it was very famous. But and I'm watching gamers and mostly PC gamers at the time. We realized that these people were competing gods. You know, Kimberly's, an athlete, she's competed, you know, she's just a natural athlete. So um, so, you know, we saw this sense of competition that people had, and, and I was sitting in my office one day, and this term, just I don't know, from where it came in my head of the term cyber athlete. So I asked my wife, what she thought what when I say the term cyber athlete, what do you think is she was like, not sure, maybe somebody that competes in a virtual environment. And I'm like, precisely. So I called our attorney at the time our IP attorney, and had a trademark the term cyber athlete. And within six months of that experience, we launched the star athlete professional league. And 1997 was the first professional league for gamers in the world, and became the largest league we were an ever basically doing events in almost all continents around the planet. And it basically launched the entire industry. In fact, every eSports organization today has its roots online, so they all should be paying me attacks. millions de vache was because of me and Kimberly, that worked so hard to do that. And we were very inspired by it. And it was fun, but it was also very tiring. So when the Chinese company came around, it was a Singaporean Chinese company. And they said they wanted to be Kimberly ready had taken, you know, she had left because she was so tired of it. It was just really brutal. Yeah. And I was just hanging on the last thing. And I said, God, it was a fair offer was fantastic. But there's a fair offer. And it was gone. And I hear that they still do events in China under the term cyber athlete professional league. So that

Gabriel Flores  24:21  

is incredible. And you to your to your point. Esports since 1997, has absolutely exploded in the United States and worldwide, right? In fact, I had a former guest come on that net to VR, where his whole concept is to create a virtual reality theater. So when gamers right so you go on games and you watch them stream. Well as the individual streaming. He wants the individuals that are actually watching the stream to be able to congregate and collaborate with each other. So he's creating a virtual space so they have virtual avatars. So when this gamer is up on stage, playing their video games, the The people that are watching can go ahead and have like a little networking opportunity to talk about that event. And it's really I feel like there's so many different avenues, you know, in the E World Sports space. But in general, just just in the technology world, there's a lot of space to be to be grown in. Now, well,

Angel Munoz  25:16  

listen, it was it was a little fortuitous. It was definitely fortuitous. It was a little serendipity. But we were the ones that did all the most of the work or first event, have maybe 300 people show up. And by year, let me see by year by the year 2000. So three years later, maybe 2001, there were 1000 people at the events. And it grew really quickly, we knew that we were writing a phenomenal wave, we have many offers to sell it, we didn't. And then at the end, we ended up selling it. And I just thought that it was a fantastic contribution. Taking something that was pretty much a lonely type of endeavor, and make it a social thing. You know, that's really what I liked about it. And and people who were athletes less why I mentioned that Kimberly was an athlete, were completely comfortable with the idea that that was a different level of competition. The only critics came from people who watch sports, and then think that was, you know, a watchable sport. Well, you know, I'm happy to say, after 27 years, they were wrong. The generation of people grew up watching eSports. And like it, I agree, the events, the events can have up to 100,000 people in them. And so

Gabriel Flores  26:35  

right now you're on ESPN, you're an ESPN two, you're on actual sports channels, sports networks, stream. Right. Right. These live events,

Angel Munoz  26:43  

you know, really is the vindication for me. Because, you know, you have to understand that the not people were not applauding. That was they were ridiculing us left and right. The press was having a field day with us. But now recently, the you know, the Olympics are now talking about having a sports and that's my ultimate vindication. So so I feel really accomplished in what we did in our contribution of over. I mean, we were in, we ran eSports for I think it's 13 years, it wasn't like it was, you know, it was a long time from zero. All the way to these massive events. The last event we did the last large event was a million dollar price. And, and that was unheard of at the time.

Gabriel Flores  27:36  

Yeah. And I hope the listeners also get some inspiration from this story, because this is truly creative. Entrepreneurship. 101, right? You're sitting at home, you're starting to think what what do we what do we define this as some things are non defined right now and entrepreneurs job is really help define what some things are, even if it's innovative and new, right? You created an innovative and new kind of world for a lot of people. And now it's now it's very, very much a part of our society, as you mentioned, it's going to be in the Olympics someday. And you know, for folks at home, don't lose your creative sense of your creative self. You know, always think creatively, always think innovatively on head he just mentioned he's only 60 years young, you know, and he's still creating, he's still innovating. And so that's a big piece now, on head, what, what would you say kind of keeps you up? Or is there something that's always you're always thinking about, in particular with beacon right now? Is there anything that you're kind of always thinking about always trying to work forward, that kind of keeps you up at night,

Angel Munoz  28:37  

I think is a sense of mission, our principles are clear. And this our sense of mission, if we really want to defragment you know, human communication, we really, there's so much work to be done on that front. And so I'm a perfectionist, that's not a good thing, necessarily. And so, you know, as Kimberly and all other people that were watching Robin Wright Bell are our PR person, they were watching the development a beacon in the sky, like creating an art piece. And, you know, it was ugly. In the beginning, it was really ugly. And it was very frustrating because we try, we went for the impossible. You know, how do you make this lifelike? You know, and you're using a browser, and you're subject to the internet. And, and it wasn't until the very last moment, right a few months before we launched beacon that we just it clicked. We actually it's actually an interesting story. I don't want to tell all the details, but we ended up having to seek advice from people who were deep into the protocol that's called WebRTC. And theother had the foresight again to drought stress and core CTO at the forest site to contact act one a person in Israel, that that had vast experience with this protocol. And he quickly told Theodore what we were doing wrong. And how he was encouraging, like, to a certain degree, because we were attempting, but shouldn't be attempted with this protocol. But, and then he gave us some guidelines. And of course, theater is a kind of person, you just give him a little bit and then exploded in his head. And he goes, that's just the way to go. And then we would kind of went nuts. And then it started working. So really, it was this one person out of Israel, that ended up having an impact on the it was almost like a curvature. And then it's been this experience that I'm actually can tell you, I'm proud of. This is the product that I envisioned. And it came not only was the hard work, but some person in Israel that just knew what we were doing could see it. And we send them the graphs and all that. Or he actually asked to see how we were doing and said, This is what you need to do. And you adjust this, and then magic happened.

Gabriel Flores  31:07  

Yeah, you know, I think a lot of times entrepreneurs, especially new entrepreneurs, they have this sense of scarcity. And when it comes to communicating their idea, right, or their innovative thought, because they're always fearful that somebody's going to take that idea and run with it themselves. What advice would you have you can

Angel Munoz  31:25  

not you can you I see that as an investment banker and as peep and as a person that people come for FEIS. You see that all the time, and you nailed it. That is the worst thing you can do.

Gabriel Flores  31:38  

Yes, please tell, tell the entrepreneurs Wow,

Angel Munoz  31:42  

the universe is abundant. It's not it's not. It's not lacking. It's abundant. And ideas floating around from everyone you have when you catch an idea, there could be 10 people on the planet that catch the idea. It's not it's just a miraculous process of abundance. Nature is abundant. We you know, we just look at things by what we don't have. That's marketing. That's the effects of advertising in our brain. And reality life is abundant. We have a look at this. We all of us are sitting there speaking there's people, for your listeners to know that are watching the call with us on the call with us, but they're not going to be visible. And we all have the time. And the technology to be having this multi communication that is crossing aids across two countries. This is miraculous. Yeah. What other time in history? Could you do something like this, we will all be busy in agriculture. You know, this is a great time. It's a beautiful time to be alive. And so I challenge people to say go out and this thing, oh, you're gonna have to, you're gonna, you're going to have to sign a nondisclosure. If I tell you my mind. You make yourself look foolish. I never do. Somebody goes, Oh, yeah, I got an idea. But you have to find a nondisclosure. I'm like, I'm not. I don't know if your idea is unique. I don't know what you're telling me what it is? Oh, I can't tell you you'll, you'll probably steal it. Well, then you look trust me? Yeah. Why do you want to, you want my money or you want my investment. You want my advice. But you but you don't. But I don't have your trust. So now look for someone else. So that's really where people go wrong. They go wrong all the time by being so protective. Instead of going out there and going like we're going here. Here's what we're doing. Look what we're doing open book to this person we don't even know. And and it goes, Yep, here it is. Here's your problem. This is what you need to do. I can't remember what it was theater probably couldn't can state but I but it was something that had to do with jitter and managing blah, blah, blah, and boom, all of a sudden, we had a colon was perfect. I was I was I was almost moved to tears. I was like, This is it. This is what we have been looking for. And then we had, you know, a group of people that we work with at the time, and I couldn't wait to do a call and everybody was

Gabriel Flores  34:00  

like, I felt like Frankenstein, you know, it's alive. You know, and to that end, how important has networking been to your

Angel Munoz  34:08  

career? It's everything. It's not only what you know, it's who you know, exactly. Everybody loves that. You know, networking is important. You got to select the people that first of all, as an entrepreneur, you have to select the people who are challenging to you. They don't You don't want a bunch of people that agree with you all the time. It used to tell me my dad owns restaurants. And he used to say if two people in business agree on everything. One of them is unnecessary. Yeah. What do you think? That's a great point. So you want the contrast of opinions and Yeah, is it is it comfortable? Now? You know, when I go to a board meeting, I have a thing that I read. But you know, it says My ego is my enemy. My opponent is my teacher. Oh, interesting to think about that my ego is my enemy. And people, I see it all the time. I see it all the time you say something and rubs the ego of a person the wrong way. And right away, you get a reaction. And then yeah, you know, it's a natural state, but you shouldn't do that. What are you defending? What are you protecting? Yeah, what do you have to prove? You know, it's just conversation. And you know, we can be wrong, we can be right. Yep. So every time right before I have it on my phone, and I look at it, I go, because, you know, I have a very sophisticated Board of Directors composed by the ex Chief Financial Officer of Revlon, and the ex CEO of Virgin Atlantic that works directly with Richard Branson. We have the former head of cognitive enterprise for IBM, these are big minds, right? Yeah, you don't, you don't walk in there. With, with with, you know, with your skin, you know, ready to take injury, you got to have tough skin. So I, it took me a while, I have to say it took me a while to understand the dynamics of having a board like that. But, you know, I feel I feel privileged to work with people like that now. very privileged. So yep, I repeat it again, my ego is my enemy. That's the thing. My ego is my enemy. My opponent is my teacher.

Gabriel Flores  36:21  

I love it. I love it. Now, you were kind of mentioning you about being open and honest. So where, you know, the five year plan for beacon, where where do you envision? Are you kidding me? Five years. I just want to get to the next year. A couple of weeks.

Angel Munoz  36:39  

Though, of course, you gotta come up with the illusions of five year plans and all that. I just think that the way to present this correctly. And what we're building right now, is an entire communication platform. So one of the things that we're very excited about, is the fact that we can do so many things with the platform, including the fact that we are going to take on Twitch, for those people who do not know the company Twitch, it's a streaming platform that was launched independently. And I think it was six years ago, please, you know, your your please check that because I'm not absolutely sure. What's purchase by Amazon for nearly 900 million. And, and, and it's the Premier and most used streaming platform in the world right now. And the level of discontent by content providers and streamers has increased dramatically over the last five years. Many people have come into the field to compete and have gone out of business. Because there is particularly a particular segment segments of the business that are very costly. And if you do not have the resources normally to bypass those, you're going to fail, there's no question about it. So I can name several platforms that some of them are actually still around, but now a pale shadow of what the intensity in Twitch continues to shine Well, beam will be coming to be the competitor sort of take on the giant I like and we announced that we were doing a close beta for it. We haven't even launched the Close Beta yet. And I think if I'm correct, we have 13,000 people signed up right away. And over 2000 channels names reserved. Wow. So so this is not insignificant. No, not for a four four, but we have begun to show that we've mastered the art of making beautiful, you know, video transmissions online. So

Gabriel Flores  39:05  

in this competitive you seem to be called beam Correct. Beam and

Angel Munoz  39:09  

and and as you say that some people if they if they have been in are familiar with with with the evolution of of streaming of streaming platforms will click Quick tell you well, he's basically they took that name from someone else. And I will explain that yes, they will be right there was a beam that was launched, I think five years ago, and maybe even a little longer and and in the fourth month, fifth month of of, of actually they were just gaining momentum. They were purchased by Microsoft. And they were renamed mixer. Oh, and then mix. Yeah. And then mixer, made some moves, you know, paid what I thought were outrageous amounts of money to top streamers to have them, they're streaming on their platform at a moment of success, but then it started dropping, and now mixer has been closed, and Microsoft is out of it. But what they, what we discovered is that beam was never was never a registered trademark affairs. So we decided to revive the name and go back to it.

Gabriel Flores  40:21  

And I know, I know, there's a lot of streamers and gamers that listen to I know, I use Twitch often as well. So it's, I'm gonna jump on beam to get my username quickly. Because again, you have to be a first mover in some of these things. And if you want to be a true entrepreneur, sometimes you got to be a first mover, right, you got to get in there Twitter early, got to LinkedIn, early Facebook early, right?

Angel Munoz  40:38  

Yeah, the thing about it is, you know, I don't know why people make a big deal of that. You know, if you're in a, if you're in a space, and you have an opportunity to just grab real estate somewhere else. Even if you continue on Twitch, you have the real estate of just ace. So I don't understand why some people go well, I'm already on Twitch and my loved one. I don't know. Okay, great. You don't stay there. Yeah. And, of course, there's going to be advantages, you know, our payouts are higher than than Twitch, that's something that we've always done anyway. So that's, that's typical for the way that we think of things. And, and we, you know, the technology is going to be better. And our latency is lower if that's what you you know, if you want zero latency, you can do zero latency. So we're gonna launch in 120 countries at one time. So we this is not original us only. So we are serious. And when will you hear about it, you're gonna go, Wow, these guys definitely are serious. But you know, that's how we that's how we are. That's, that's par for the course with Massimo and Asante. And I don't know if you've realized mass luminosity, light related beacon light related.

Gabriel Flores  41:51  

Really, I love it. I'm really live in the marketing attraction right now. So speaking of marketing,

Angel Munoz  41:59  

we stay with the photons.

Gabriel Flores  42:03  

So speaking of like marketing, how, and folks are interested in listening, if they want to learn more about beam or want to know more about beacon? How can they find or maybe want to introduce themselves to you on head? How can they learn more about how can I learn about beacon? How can I learn about mass luminosity and all these other ventures you're doing how social media web pages, where can they find you? So

Angel Munoz  42:25  

I'm probably the one CEO that has an email for the general public, Angel at gaming Anyone can email me there. So I just don't mind that at all. I love hearing for people, yes, you get the occasional knock case. But it's so rare that you know, it's one out of 100. It's not worth eliminating the 99 Gray people that you talk to. But beacon, is has two domains. The free version of Beacon, which is the one that we're on now, by the way, is called be an X. So X just means free in our, in our mind. And beacon is where you would get the free version. When we launched the paid version, which we're launching, we were going to launch it this year, but the holidays are around. So we're gonna wait until until January plus we want we have to Kimberly and I are working on a communication campaign, which is the way that we like to state instead of marketing campaign, and we want to get everything right, you know, it's not just now that technology is also the messaging plus we have to give time to Robin to make sure that she contacts people. So we, we want to really stay we it's a really great product and it's called Vika max. And we really want to stay when it's paid. So it's 1495. But the great thing about it is, again, for those that react quickly, they'll be the first people who sign up for the first 30 days 3045 days it's 1495 for five months instead of 1495 a month. So you get really experienced a product that's a long time and then you decide if it's for you or not. So that that is big. That's big So and there is a site there although it's not completely finished, but it's you'll you'll see it and then as far as mass luminosity is mass luminosity that calm and me personally if they want to know what my background is Angel We made all the domains easy i like

Gabriel Flores  44:25  

i like it Thank you man thank you again so very much again all this information folks that are listening is a great reason for you to subscribe to the shades of entrepreneurship newsletter this information will be on the newsletter I'll head will be featured the week before the episode airs the week the episode airs and as well as the week after we'll also have links to mass luminosity became we'll try to get all those information on the newsletter and we'll make sure we'll have the independent website page for this episode as well. On had thank you again so much. Is there anything you would like to let the listeners know before we leave?

Angel Munoz  44:57  

I'm just you know I think that the secret to success is to be real. And to be yourself and to express not be embarrassed of who you are. A friend of mine once told me that it's better to be yourself because everyone else is taken. And I truly believe that that's the case. So might as well just express your own light and your own way and hope that you have enough people that appreciate that around you to make your life a success in anything you do.

Gabriel Flores  45:24  

On had man, I got a Rolodex of quotes just from this episode. I'm telling you, Angel Munez from Mass Luminosity. Thank you so much folks listening please subscribe to the shades of entrepreneurship losing letter at the shades of You can also follow me on the social sites at the shades of E Thank you and have a great night.

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